
Ascender Seating

Casa de Cultura de Artajona
Full Automatic Tribune

20 years of excellence

Ascénder Seating
Who We Are

20th Anniversary
Celebration 18th September 2023

Valencia Congress Centre
Perseo Tablet / Independent Desk

Casa de Cultura de Fontellas
Full Automatic Tribune

The Norwegian Opera & Ballet – Studio Venue
Full Automatic Tribune

Espace Malraux, Chambery (FR)
Re-opening. Credits: Department de la Savoie

Centro Cultural Artesa de Segre (ES)
Motorised Carts & Freestanding Chairs

Zaryadye Concert Hall, Moscú (RU)
Opening Ceremony & Transformation of Venue

Zaryadye Concert Hall, Moscow (RU)
Serapid Systems and Bespoke Seating

Zaryadye Concert Hall, Moscow (RU)
Ascénder on Spanish TV. Credits: RTVE

Development Bank of Latin América, Montevideo (URY)
Case Study

Centre de Formation CIC, Carquefou (FR)
Space Max with Writing Tablet on Automatic Bleacher

HQ of Public Authority for Civil Aviation (OMN)
Full automatic tribune & Rail system

The Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, Le Rosey (CH)
Inaugural Concert / Bernard Tschumi

FNP Auditorium, Moscow (RU)
Mobile chairs with wheels

Théâtre de la Garenne, Colombes (FR)
Transforming Hall

Fundación Giner de los Ríos, Madrid (ES)
Case Study. Credits: RTVE

Škoda Museum, Prague (CZ)
Telescopic Tribune

Stadttheater der Bühne Baden (A)

Ministry of Energy, Moscow (RU)
Kangoo Automatic

CEM Verbania (IT)
Telescopic Tribunes